Event Organized by FinCity.Tokyo
Tokyo Asset Management Forum 2025Tokyo Asset Management Forum 2025
Archived Video Now Available

Event Organized by FinCity.Tokyo
Two Days Dedicated to Shaping the Future
of International Financial Centers
2025.1.23[Thu]   2025.1.24[Fri]


Pioneering the Future with
Emerging Managers
Since its establishment in April 2019, FinCity.Tokyo has been committed to enhancing Japan’s asset management ecosystem. Through initiatives such as the Japanese version of the Emerging Managers Program (EMP), FinCity.Tokyo has promoted new entrants into the asset management industry and shared valuable insights with asset owners. As part of this mission, the Tokyo Asset Management Forum (TAMF), launched in 2019, has hosted numerous discussions to encourage funding allocation to Emerging Managers (EMs).
The Japanese government's "Policy Plan for Promoting Japan as a Leading Asset Management Center" emphasizes the importance of Emerging Managers. In the newly formulated "Asset Owner Principles," which were established by the Cabinet Secretariat on August 28, 2024, it is explicitly stated that:
“Asset owners should evaluate investment trustee … not only the brand, name recognition, and size of the AUM but also the abilities and experience of the CIO (including experience at previous companies).”
In alignment with these principles, FinCity.Tokyo will continue to create platforms to showcase the initiatives of Emerging Managers, supporting asset owners in building diverse and robust asset allocation strategies.
At this year’s TAMF, we will once again feature the “EM Showcase,” spotlighting notable and innovative Emerging Managers. In addition to showcasing these standout EMs, the forum will delve into topics such as impact investing and allocation strategies for Emerging Managers by international institutional investors, fostering deeper discussions with experts from Japan and abroad. This initiative aims to promote greater utilization and development of Emerging Managers in Japan’s financial markets.
Furthermore, TAMF will collaborate with the "ABAC Sustainable Finance Seminar," a side event held the previous day, as well as the "FinCity Global Forum" on the same day. These sessions will provide stakeholders in the asset management sector with an opportunity for meaningful dialogue.
We sincerely hope that these two days will serve as a valuable platform for incorporating diverse perspectives from domestic and international participants, paving the way for the future of Japan’s financial markets.
Opening Speech

Keynote Speech Ⅰ

Introducing EM Showcase

Showcasing Emerging Managers

Panel Discussion:Impact Investing
Why Impact Investing Now?
Betting on the future of Asset Management

Keynote Speech Ⅱ
Expectations for the Policy Plan to Promote Japan as a Leading Asset Management Center - Reminiscences of an Emerging Manager -

Panel Discussion
EM Allocation Strategies of Global Institutional Investors


Lunch networking

Organizer The Organization of Global Financial City Tokyo
Event Title Tokyo Asset Management Forum 2025
Date & Time Friday, January 24, 2025, 9:00-13:50 (JST)
*Networking opportunities will be offered at the venue after the forum.
Event Format Hybrid Event (In-Person / Online Participation)
*In-person participation is on a first-come, first-served basis.
*Online participation registration is open until the event ends.
*Simultaneous interpretation in Japanese and English will be provided.
Language Japanese,English
*Simultaneous interpretation available
Entry fee Free for both in-person and online participation
(Pre-registration required)
Venue KABUTO ONE Hall & Conference
(7-1 Nihonbashi Kabuto-cho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo)
Access to
the venue
Venue website
Supporting Organizations
金融庁 オルタナティブデータ推進協議会 新経済連盟 JIAM 全国銀行協会 投資信託協会 日本暗号資産等取引業協会 日本FP協会 日本CFA協会 日本投資顧問業協会 東京証券取引所 日本証券アナリスト協会 日本証券業協会 日本ベンチャーキャピタル協会 AIMA
Tokyo Asset Management Forum
FinCity.Tokyo Business Information